COOKING FOR CANINES: Slicing and dicing up culinary flair for dogs? Yep, all so they can have homes. The Mercury’s own Executive Chef Chris Ward is hosting an afternoon of cuisine magic at the Dallas restaurant benefitting the Greyhound Adoption League of Texas (GALT). On Sunday from 2-5 p.m., learn how to whip up crab cakes and tagliolini (I have no idea what that is, but it sounds delicious) from a pro, all for a good cause. Along with the delectable bites the restaurant will also feature a silent auction. The cost of the event is $80 for the average Joe and all of the proceeds help greyhounds in foster care. And, when you leave, along with your full bellies and take home recipe book, you even get a specially prepared doggy bag for your pup at home.
GEEK CHIC: It’s that time again, when Dallas becomes invaded with all walks of creative life in capes and leotards – yes, we’re talking about the Sci-Fi fanatics at Dallas Comic Con. Twice a year the Big D is overwhelmed by comic book collectors, artists, writers, and even a few celebrity faces. This weekend Dallas Comic Con returns for its fifteenth edition at the Richardson Civic Center. Get up close and personal with Edward James Olmos from TV’s Battlestar Galactica on Saturday and catch a glimpse of Iron Man artist Keith Pollard throughout the weekend. The weekend is usually free for everyone, but this year it’s 10 bucks, but free for kids 12 and under.
ARTISTIC FLAIR: For the past five years, the Lakewood Summer Arts Faire (LSAF) has been bringing together talented local artists at the Lakewood United Methodist Church for the chance to showcase their work. This Saturday and Sunday, the non-profit welcomes the whole family for an entire weekend of fine art, live entertainment, silent auctions, and even an art workshop for the kiddies. Round up the whole family and head to East Dallas to show artistic support while you eat, draw, and be merry.

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